Commercial, Special Photography, and Filming

Commercial, special photography, and filming arrangements must be made at least two weeks in advance and requests full details of any dialogue, written content, or accompanying information for review prior to project approval.

Strawbery Banke Museum reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and withdraw permission to photograph and/or film on its premises or reproduce photographs of objects in the collections.

Additionally, the Museum makes no representations or warranties concerning the subject matter of special project. To the extent such photography or film incorporates the likenesses of individuals or depicts copyrighted materials, the photographer, film company, etc. shall have sole responsibility for obtaining any necessary releases or consents to use such likenesses or materials.  


  • First, individuals or organizations interested in conducting a commercial, special photography, filming, or other special project must complete a project request form in its entirety at least two weeks in advance of the desired project start date.

  • Upon receiving a completed project request, those who have submitted a project request will be contacted in 1-2 business days by the Marketing Department with follow up questions and to discuss the request.

    Note that the Museum must approve content for anything in which the Museum or its properties will appear, either by name or by visual representation. Projects are usually approved or declined within 3-5 business days.

  • The organization or professional individual conducting the filming, recording or photography must agree, in writing, to hold Strawbery Banke Museum harmless against any claims or expenses that result from their work at the Museum. In addition, they must agree to assume financial responsibility for any damage to Museum property caused by them or their agents.

    Prior to the visit, the organization or professional individual conducting the filming, recording, or photography must submit a Certificate of Insurance with a minimum of $1,000,000 Comprehensive General Liability naming Strawbery Banke Museum as "additional insured".

    A copy of this Certificate of Insurance can be mailed to Strawbery Banke Museum, PO Box 300, Portsmouth, NH 03802.

    The organization or individual professional must agree, in writing, not to use the film, videotape, still photography, or recording made at Strawbery Banke Museum for any purpose except that described at the time approval is sought. If another use is later contemplated, it will be permitted only with written approval from the Museum.

  • First, individuals or organizations must complete a special project form in its entirety. On this form, please indicate a list of locations to be photographed or filmed must be provided to the Museum prior to filming in advance.

    Selecting these locations may require an advance visit to the Museum by the photographer or filmmaker. All logistical concerns such as Museum access and availability, power supply, lighting needs, curatorial support, etc. must be arranged prior to filming. A schedule for photography or filming must be agreed upon in advance with the Museum.

  • Site fees vary based on the details of the project provided in the project request form.

    Strawbery Banke charges site fees for all filming and photography intended for commercial purposes. Site fees may also be charged for a Museum as a setting for another projects that are not considered personal snapshots or editorial coverage by the press.

  • Please indicate in the project request form if your project includes spaces not typically accessible to the public.

    No signs, barriers, or other Museum property can be moved or handled except by Museum staff or their designates.

    A responsible staff member will be present at all times during the photoshoot or filming to facilitate the project. The Museum reserves the right to stop filming if the property or collections are deemed to be at risk or if the project deviates from the terms of the original agreement.

  • Yes, but no special arrangements can be made to quarantine an area from normal visitor traffic during the Museum’s normal business hours. All filming and photography must be conducted without disruption to Museum operations or limitations to access to exhibitions, stairwells, entrances/exits, high traffic areas, or other locations of interest to Museum visitors.

  • Yes. A list of artifacts to be photographed or filmed must be provided to the Museum prior to filming with at least two weeks' advance notice. Selecting these artifacts requires an advance visit to the Museum by the photographer or filmmaker.

    All Museum artifacts are to be handled only by Strawbery Banke Museum staff or their designates.

  • Not at this time. All equipment, props, materials, etc. that will be brought onto Museum property must be approved prior to the photo or film shoot.

  • Flash photography is not permitted inside any of the historic houses.

    Photographers, videographers, and technicians are to take full responsibility for all their equipment. No equipment can be stored on the Museum grounds. All equipment, props, materials, etc., must be brought in and removed on each day of shooting. All equipment brought in must not obstruct the Museum’s public access areas.

  • Yes.

    The following credit line must appear in the photographs, closing credits of the film, or in the closing credits of each installment of the production in which the footage produced under the agreement appears:

    "Courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, NH."

    Strawbery Banke Museum requests two copies of the completed project for the museum and archives.

  • Yes. All Museum visitors who appear in special photography or filming projects must sign a photo release form provided by the individual or organization and can only take place with a member of the Marketing Department present. Photography or filming of children may only take place with the express permission of their parent or guardian.

  • Smoking and open flame are not permitted on Museum grounds.

    Professional language and conduct are required by the organization or professional individual conducting the filming, recording, or photography at all times.

  • Contact Veronica Lester, Director of Marketing via or 603.766.2496.